+45 22 42 13 25 · dam@damkjaerlauritzen.dk
Lene Damkjær Christensen has in more than 20 year advised public and semi-public employers on all aspects of employment and labor law and affiliated areas. By this means, she has achieved significant experience inter alia with dismissals, collective agreement interpretation, civil servants law (in Danish: tjenestemandsret), discrimination and working environment. In addition to this, Lene advises on administrative law, personal data protection law and other formal rules, which applies to the public authorities. Since the year 2000, Lene has continuously handled litigation before the Danish courts and in industrial arbitration regarding numerous employment and labor law issues, including a significant number of principal and complex cases before the Danish High Court and the Danish Supreme Court. She has presented numerous cases of discrimination, and have in that context also represented employees, both in regard to discrimination on the basis of sex and other illegal criteria, e.g. age and disability.
Furthermore, throughout many years Lene has worked with the educational sector, and thus have thorough insights to the specific circumstances, which applies to this sector. Lene has in a number of years handled multiple complex legal investigations of great societal importance, and has also represented governmental authorities in disciplinary inquiries, and has been appointed as interrogating officer. Finally, Lene has substantial teaching experience both as speaker on large scale seminars, leader of management network in the educational sector, as well as instructor on customized seminars on a wide variety of topics. She teaches at Djøf’s (the Danish Lawyers’ and economists’ union) course on civil servants law, and at the Danish Bar Association’s bar courses. Former clients have to Legal 500 (2019) said that Lene is “very knowledgeable’’ and “can explain complex judicial issues in a way that someone who isn’t from a legal background can fully understand.” Lene is also rated in Chamber Europe 2020, where clients, amongst other things, has said that she is “sharp, matter of fact, precise, very kind and easy-going’’, and that she is ‘‘a good communicator, sharp in her analysis and has a good understanding of her client’s problems.’’
Lene has right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court (in Danish: Højesteret)